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BIGContacts Editorial Team


BIGContacts Editorial Team

Customer relationship management experts |

The BIGContacts Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRM experts dedicated to improving your customer relationships with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your contact management and business process automation initiatives.

Articles by BIGContacts Editorial Team

Measuring ROI for CRM: A Valuable Process

When a company is considering the purchase or upgrade of a CRM system, there is often a disconnect between the perceived value and the real value of CRM solutions. Because CRM does not directly lend itself to easily quantifiable analysis, it is often difficult to determine the ROI from using the best CRM software.
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6 Powerful CRM Reports to Run For Driving Sales

Small business owners know that the most important thing is to make decisions based on data. It’s not enough to go with your gut to understand how your business is performing; you need hard evidence.
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25+ Useful CRM Statistics to Know in 2024

Did you know that CRM software is one of the biggest software markets in the world? One of the biggest factors behind it’s growth is companies wanting to quickly access customer data, and use it for effective customer service, email marketing and personalization.
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What is Proactive Customer Service and How to Implement It?

Remember the last time you were actually surprised by a delightful experience from a customer service team? Maybe you ordered your favorite pizza online, only to find the restaurant didn’t have it in stock anymore. Instead of issuing a refund, the customer care representative had the pizza delivered right to your doorstep from another location....
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Sales Tracking – 7 Best Practices for Small Businesses

The central goal of all salespeople is to close more deals and acquire more profitable business. To that end, it is essential to manage your sales opportunities in the best way to achieve the desired result. Tracking your sales efforts is a necessary step in the overall process. What are some sales tracking techniques that...
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