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BIGContacts Editorial Team


BIGContacts Editorial Team

Customer relationship management experts |

The BIGContacts Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRM experts dedicated to improving your customer relationships with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your contact management and business process automation initiatives.

Articles by BIGContacts Editorial Team

2 Ways That Small Business Sales Managers Can Use CRM Software

When you think about your CRM software and how it relates to your sales process, you likely immediately think of how your sales staff uses contact management features. Or maybe you think about how CRM automates certain functions of the sales process, easing the load of your sales staff. But how can CRM software be...
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CRM Glossary & Definitions

No one likes confusing business jargon. But sometimes, when you are new to something (particularly with business software), it is inevitable. Understanding CRM terminology is easy if you work with CRM software every day, but many clients and businesses are new to CRM systems so it can quickly get overwhelming and confusing.
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BigContacts Launches New Visual Pipeline & Activity Dashboard

At BigContacts, we’re constantly working to create a better user experience and offer more useful tools to our customers.  Today we’re excited to announce the release of a new dashboard.  This new dashboard contains two distinct views and offers a great deal of flexibly as to the team members and time-frame you can choose.
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How Data Organization in Your CRM Software Can Save You Time

There is a simple resource we’d all love to have more of: time. Especially in business environments, it’s a precious commodity that can be a difference maker in making sure that you can run your business, attract customers, and keep your employees engaged.
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“Contact” Sync With Office 365 Outlook

Today, we’re happy to announce that through our partnership with Piesync, we now offer two-contact synchronization between BigContacts and Office 365 Outlook.com.  This connector will enable all BigContacts users to keep their contacts up-to-date in real-time. Below is an excerpt from a press release that outlines some of the benefits of this new synchronization.  We...
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3 Ways For Health Care Companies To Improve Patient Relationships With CRM Software

For any healthcare professional, patient relationships are absolutely paramount. Not only do you likely rely in large part on positive word of mouth to gain new patients, but you also interact and socialize with your current patients to ensure long-lasting relationships. Individuals who seek your business rely on you both to honor their privacy and treat their...
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BIGContacts Offers Two-way Synchronization with FreshBooks

We now offer two-way synchronization between BigContacts and FreshBooks – one of the industry’s leading small business accounting platforms. We offer this synchronization through a partnership we have with a company by the name of PieSync. PieSync offers two-synchronization platform that will enable two-way synchronization between BigContacts and a growing marketplace of other web applications. We’re...
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