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BIGContacts Adds More CRM Enhancements to Help You Work Smarter

Every week our development team works hard to continue improving our web-based CRM software for all customers. We have some exciting new features that we will be releasing in the next week – including a modern and innovative Contact List that will give you an overview of your entire contact list like no other contact list you have seen!

In addition to BIG enhancement like this that we will be releasing next week, I thought I would share with you a few enhancements that we have released this week. While these may not be as big or innovative as mentioned above they will certainly make your day-to-day life a little easier and help you to work a little smarter within our web-based CRM software.

Importing Contacts

As many of you may already know, the Import Wizard allows you to easily import any list of contacts directly into your BigContacts account. The Import Wizard can be used to update/append existing contacts in your account without duplicating your contacts.  By simply selecting the “Merge Contacts” option as shown below, the Import Wizard will identify possible duplicates and merge them using the spreadsheet as the “master” for adding/ updating/ overwriting existing contacts.  This option uses the “first name”, “last name”, and “email” fields to determine if the contact already exists and will prevent you from creating unwanted duplicates in your account.

What’s new?  We now give you the option to choose whether or not want to merge your contacts (ensuring that there are no duplicates) or you can choose the “Don’t Merge Contacts” option as there are some applications in which you may want to allow for duplicates of the same record as you may have different team members working on the same contacts and you might want to retain completely separate records for that contact.  Whatever the application might be, you now have the ability to choose how you would like to import your contacts and whether or not you want any duplicates merged together upon import.

Managing Your Task List

While it is usually a best practice to close one task at a time, we have found a number of applications where a customer may have a grouping of tasks, for example to make a “follow-up call” or maybe to “send email invitation” to an event. In any case, you may have a group of contacts that share the same task and you would like to be able to close these tasks all at the same time. We also see applications where you may have some tasks on your task list you would like to delete as a number of them are no longer applicable.

What’s new? You now have the ability to either “complete” or to “delete” multiple tasks at one time in your task list… allowing you to work much faster in either completing or cleaning up your task list. Next time you visit your task list you will notice that there are checkboxes to the left of each task. The moment you select one of these you will see buttons appear at the top of your task list – allowing you to either complete or delete the tasks that you have selected from your list.

Hiding/Requiring Fields & Tabs in the Contact Record

Many of you may already use the “hide” or “require” feature within the contact record.  As an administrator on your account you have the ability to go to the “admin” tab and select the “customize account” link. In here you will see tabs that allow you to either “require” or “hide” various fields. This is something that we have had place for some time and is a great feature for controlling what is visible and what needs to be entered in each contact record that is added to your system.

What’s new? In addition to simply hiding fields, you can now hide the entire “Spouse” tab as well is the “Family” tab in the contact record. We do this as we found a number of applications where our customers did not deal with spouse or family and wanted to clean up the contact record. Well, we had listened and you can now hide these tabs within the contact record. Below is a view of what you will see and where you can make this selection is in fact these are not tab and information that you need to collect in your contact record.

***  Another great improvement in this area is that you can now make custom fields and contact groups required fields when entering a new contact.

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About the author

The BIGContacts Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRM experts dedicated to improving your customer relationships with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your contact management and business process automation initiatives.