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BIGContacts – now a Certified Partner of HubSpot

A website is a very important part of any business today. Your website operates as a virtual storefront, a cyber window into your world.  A well-designed and optimized website can help you to:

  • Create more visibility for your business
  • Generate more qualified leads and ultimately
  • Convert more new clients for your business

The challenge most businesses face is how and where to turn to get affordable and competent help in designing and updating your website.  A standard HTML website requires that you either know how to write in HTML or hire someone every time you need to update anything on your site.  When you’re paying someone by the hour, the costs can add up quickly.

Over 18 months ago, BigContacts faced this same challenge.  It was so expensive and took so long to make updates and enhancements to our site that we essentially let it sit – hoping that what we had was good enough to help us grow our business. To make matters even worse, we had no way to measure our success as the website provided no tools for us to monitor and analyze the traffic that was visiting BigContacts.

It was through great fortune that we found HubSpot.  HubSpot has provided us with the tools we need to manage our own website easily.  These easy-to-use tools have helped us to significantly grow our web presence over the past year and a half. Today, we can say, with confidence, that not only have we doubled our web traffic and qualified leads, but we now know the areas we need to continue to work on and improve going forward so that we can continue to grow our business.

Seeing results as we have, we believe so strongly in this great resource that we have decided to integrate BigContacts with the HubSpot platform.  Soon, all BigContacts subscribers that also have a HubSpot “Medium” or “Large” account will be able to seamlessly capture, nurture, and convert leads that come directly from your website.  Stay tuned for more information on this exciting new integration!

If you are serious about growing your web presence, generating more qualified leads from your website, and converting more of these leads to clients, you NEED to put HubSpot to work for you.

Learn More about this great platform and how it can work with BigContacts to help you streamline your sales and marketing efforts.

Click here to get started with a FREE 15-day trial of BIGContacts CRM. No credit card is required.

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About the author

The BIGContacts Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRM experts dedicated to improving your customer relationships with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your contact management and business process automation initiatives.